It is very very important to find a hotel that is Biker Friendly, but it’s also important to find a company “or Realty company” that is Black Bike Week Friendly.
A lot of company will and have been gladly accepting our money for years, but they have never liked Black Bike Week, they gladly take our money and support efforts to switch up the tourism and replace Black Bike Week with more golfers.
Be careful what Realitly companies and hotels you partongage during Black Bike Week 2011.
There are a lot of Companies people swear by, but ask your self this? Where were these companies when the Myrtle Beach government was going to ban us. Matter of fact some of these companies beleive the Myrtle Beach hype about their Black Bike Week replacement “Myrtle Beach May Fest” and proudly promoted that event in place of Black Bike Week.
When that event Failed Miserably and Black Bike Week Continued, they are trying to hop back on Black Bike Weeks’ dicks.
Don’t give them cats your money. Spend your money with business that support us, and not use our own money to fight against us.
To rent a house at a company that support Black Bike Week check out Booe Realty or Book you hotels through IHS Advantage.
Stand for businesses that stand for us, and let the other fall during Black Bike Week 2011